3 Benefits of attending a Workshop

When you are younger,what are the activities you get to engage with during your summer vacations? Maybe, most of you would say that you usually spent it with your family on a vacation trip or maybe spent it in the province with your grandparents. Perhaps,some of you got to experience enrolling in a summer workshop. The most famous amongst those workshops were learning how to dance ballet, learning how to play a new instrument and learning how to do some tricks in karate. 
There’s this saying that knowledge is power and by that we mean to say that learning will make you a more dynamic and well-rounded individual. Adding up, knowledge will allow us to be flexible in which ever we do. Perhaps, attending workshops is more than just a trend but also a good way to innovate ourselves. 
Taking into consideration the previous statement, I shall now tackle the three benefits of attending workshops. 
1.You will enhance old skills and acquire new skills
activity_innovation_100pxIn the midst of the fast paced globalization we tend to adopt with the latest developments or innovations. Perhaps, attending workshops to further enhance your skills and/or acquire new skills shall allow us to easily catch up with this trends. 
Say for instance in my case,I am already in my mid 20s and currently I am eyeing for that promotion however the skills I have right now will not suffice the prerequisites for a promotion. Hence, I realized that it is very crucial for professionals to attend seminars or enroll in short courses to make my horizons more expansive. 
Currently, I enrolled in a English proficiency workshop to further improve my mastery of the English language and I must say that I never regretted my decision to enroll in the said class because I get to learn new things that I can apply in my profession and everyday life. 
And the first benefit you will have in attending a workshop is you will be able enhance old skills and acquire new ones. 
2.You will get tons of inspiration
In our long enervating journey to our endeavors we often come across with various hurdles and triumphs that usually makes us feel hopeless resulting for us to lose our paths and at the same time lose our sight to our goal. Possibly, a good way to get back on your track is to gain tons of inspiration. 
As mentioned above, I am already in my mid 20s and my journey to success is not a walk in the park. I have to overcome lots of hurdles that comes in my way. Say for example, aside from dealing with the the stress of your work load, you also have to deal with the pressure your boss is causing you and since I love my work I cannot do anything about it because it’s part of the job. Yet, at times I cannot avoid feeling baffled and consumed. Most of the time, I want to give up and quit. 
On the one hand, every time that I would attend my speech class I always gets inspiration not only from our teacher but also with my classmate. Primary because they are sharing real life stories that they surpassed and overcome. Stories of this kind, would motivate you to work harder in achieving your goals.It’s like having the notion of “If they done it in the past then I can also do it”. Having a lot of inspiring stories through your journey to success will help you through your path.
So the second benefit you will have in attending workshops is having tons of inspiration.

3.You will gain new friends
Finally, the third benefit that you’ll get in attending workshops is augmenting new friends. Indeed, learning in a normal classroom setting is vital but learning through the experiences of friends is remarkable. As mentioned earlier, I enrolled in a speech class and aside from the fact that I enjoy the lectures and activities we have I also enjoy the company of my classmates. I shall say that by enrolling in this workshop,I was able to meet a diverse group of people. I have classmate in different professions and I also have classmate from different nations. Being friends with them allowed me to see the world in a different perspective. 
So the final benefit that you’re going to get in attending a workshop is gaining new friends.
Summing up, I have discussed about the three benefits of attending a workshop and these are the following; 1) You will enhance old skills and acquire new skills; 2) You will get tons of inspiration; and 3) You will gain new friends. 
We value good investment because it will definitely gives us benefits that could last a lifetime. Benefits not only in the form of financial income but also in the likes of success and greatness. 
So I highly suggest that don’t stop innovating yourself,explore your capabilities and attend the Workshop for Freelance Writers on the 23rd of May 2015. Venue shall be provided upon registration. The workshop shall tackle the know-how about being a freelance writer and shall give you some ideas on the advantage of being a freelance writer. The workshop will also provide tips on time management and productivity.

Aside from the life changing rewards that I have discussed earlier in this blog you shall also be able to get a certificate and free coffee and pastries from Paulette’s Choclettes.
So what are you waiting for? Grab this opportunity to discover new possibilities and expand your horizons. Be part of this workshop and be inspired. 
For inquiries or further details kindly visit their website or send a note on their email.
WEBSITE: https://www.facebook.com/nizza.gueco
EMAIL: nizzagueco@yahoo.com


ARTICLE: 3 Benefits of attending a Workshop
 | AUTHOR:Roxy Nicolas DATE: May 17,2015 |  LAST UPDATED: May 2015

Roxy Nicolas
She is a blogger from the Philippines. She is also a travel enthusiast ,an artist by heart,a self proclaimed fashionista,a person suffering from a mental disease called obsessive compulsive disorder and a certified coffeeholic  You can find her on .
