Maybelline Baby Skin Pore Eraser: A Review

Who amongst you are having a difficult time to achieve that flawless matte look when applying your make-up?Well for most of us who didn’t take any formal training on make-up might experience this problem. Yet,for some who’s eager enough to research on the internet about the make-up know-how would be knowledgeable that primers play a vital role in achieving that flawless look and maintaining your make-up for longer hours. 
There’s this saying that beauty is skin deep and this statement is also true for make-up application.In applying make-up what usually lies underneath are the most crucial products in achieving a flawless look. 
So here are the reasons why I’m loving Maybelline’s Baby Skin Pore Eraser.

1.It’s a GEL
The first thing I love about this primer is that it’s a gel.Gel formulas usually have a high-level of water content hence making our skin moisturized without the fret of having break-outs.
Having a gel formula is immensely essential for me because I have an oily face and it is advisable for my case to avoid cream-based or oil-based products.
In my case, whenever I buy my cosmetics I usually check the ingredients if it contains oil.I look for products that has water-based formula like gels. 
So the first feature I love about this primer is its gel formula.
          2.It’s LIGHTWEIGHT:
On the other hand, the second thing I love about this primer is that it is so lightweight that it allows your skin to breathe. During make-up application, we usually put on layers of different products on our face. Hence, it is vital that you use cosmetics that would allow your skin to breathe so you’ll feel fresh and you won’t lock any dirt in your skin.
Say for instance, it’s summer right now and I can feel the sun’s scorching heat penetrating my skin causing my skin to produce more sweat and my glands to produce more oils. Then dirt from pollution would worsen the scenario. Going back with the equation, sweat,oil and dirt combined would result to break-outs.Thus, I use this product everyday because it doesn’t shield my skin to breathe and it does not stock any dirt in my pores. 
So the second thing that I love about this product is that it is lightweight.
3.MATTE FINISH: Lastly, I love that it has a matte finish after you apply it on your face. Again, for oily-faces this is a good way on making your face shine free.There was a time in my life wherein I would always apply powder on my face whenever it gets oily. 
Now, it’s a different story coz I started to include this primer on my make-up application routine. 
So the final thing I love about this primer is that it has a matte finish.
Summing up, I have discussed the reasons why I love Maybelline’s Baby Skin Pore Eraser.First, it’s a gel,second, it’s lightweight and lastly it has a matte finish. 
We value our hard-earned money hence it is always nice to spend it on good products that would satisfy your needs and would have multiple benefits.It’s like we’re buying various products for a single price. 
So what are you waiting for?Head to your favorite stores and grab your own Baby Skin Pore Eraser to achieve that flawless look.
Any thoughts about this product? Leave your comments below :)


ARTICLE:  Maybelline Baby Skin Pore Erase: A Review
ABOUT: This post is a review about Maybelline's primer. | AUTHOR:Roxy Nicolas | PHOTO: Vianna Nadine Camposano | DATE: May 14,2015 | TAGS,  ,,  |  LAST UPDATED: May 2015

Roxy Nicolas
She is a blogger from the Philippines. She is also a travel enthusiast ,an artist by heart,a self proclaimed fashionista,a person suffering from a mental disease called obsessive compulsive disorder and a certified coffeeholic  You can find her on .


  1. Smooth nga ito sa face!! But it broke me out. :( Silicone-based kasi, may allergy ako sa silicone :(

    1. hi pam..thank you for that info. I better do more research about the ingredients of every cosmetic :)


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