Last October 24,2015, The Philippine Red Cross(PRC) held a blogger's conference at the recently inaugurated PRC Tower at Mandaluyong.
The said conference aims to bring PRC closer to the Filipinos by providing significant information on how to avail the organization's services. Also, the event highlighted all the activities done by the organization through the years. These include, rescue and emergency response operations, rehabilitation programs and capacity building projects.
PRC Chairman Richard "Dick" Gordon said that he wanted the bloggers to be the PRC's advocates.
A Brief Background of Philippine Red Cross
All of the attendees were given a background about the services, offered training and efforts before,during and after disasters of the organization.
A Tour at the Philippine Red Cross Tower
Blogger's were also toured to the state-of-art facility of the National Blood Center(NBC) and the modern Operation Center (OpCen) located at the first and second floors of the building.
Mr. Isaac Baesa from the PRC showed the bloggers the NBC facilities and explained about the guidelines about blood donations and how they process blood.
Bloggers,also had the chance to see right before their eyes the modern equipment of the PRC OpCen. They were also given a brief explanation on how PRC monitors emergency situations and operations of the volunteers and staff of PRC nationwide.
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